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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

How To Create a Fake Facebook Status Screen Shot Of Anyone Like and Comments

hi this ritesh

Today I am posting one more Amazing facebook Status Trick which was in my mind from a long time but never got a Chance to post it with the help of this trick  you can shock your Facebook Friends.

This Trick Let’s You to Create a Fake Facebook Status By using Facebook Application.You can Take a Snapshot of that Status and can post to your facebook page or Profile.

Simple Steps to Follow :

Step 1 – First Go to The Facebook Application Wall Machine and Click on Connect.

Step 2 – Now you can edit Name,Status,Comments,Like and Pictures as you want.

Step 3 – Click on the Name To Edit Name and Click on Status For Editing Status.

Step 4 – For Adding Picture Click on Left Side of the Name.

Step 5 – Click on Like and Rename it and For Editing Comments click on it and Edit the Comments.
Now You Have Created a Fake Facebook status to take snapshot of this Press ctrl+prnt scrn on your keyboard and paste it on Paint

Step 6 – Now Save your Status By Using Save Button.

You can Also edit the relation ship status Recent activities and Events on a Fake Facebook status.It also provide the name of your friends and photos of them so that you can create a funny facebook status or anything Interesting Snapshot of your Friend's Relationship status,recent activity,Likes.
Enjoy the Trick but please Don't be Mean to your Friends ;)
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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Skip Adf.ly,LinkBucks & Other Ads Automatically On Chrome and Firefox

 hi this is ritesh again here again here *** have found out a new trick on demand of my readers ..... i hope this will really help u lot and sae ur time

Advertisements are not just limited to banners,pop ups,Surveys but also there is another form of annoying ads called Url Shortners.These Url Shortening services hide the actual link and lands on a page will full of ads.We don't get redirected to our desired page unless and until we wait for few seconds.

  • If you want to know more about such services read:How To Earn Money By Shortening Urls.
Honesty speaking I don't encourage such kind of advertisements but most of the websites with free downloads of music,songs ,software etc use such kinds of ads which are very annoying.Though some people use plugins and extensions to block these ads still they fail to block such ads.So here I got a solution to bypass such ads keep reading.

How to Skip Ad.ly,Linkbucks & other Ads Automatically?

  • Here we use a script called Redirection Helper which automatically skips these Annoying Ads.
  • This script not only remove these annoying ads but also removes Ad Masks.

Steps To Install Redirection Helper Ads Remover Script:

Google Chrome Users:

1.If you are a Google Chrome User then you can directly install Redirection Helper to remove these ads.

Mozilla Firefox Users:

1.Mozilla Firefox users first need to install GreaseMonkey Addon.
2.After installing GreaseMonkey Addon you can install Redirection Helper script to firefox browser.

Sites Which Are Automatically Redirected:

This script redirects the following sites automatically:

Sites In Which Ad Masks are Automatically Removed:



I recommend every regular Internet user to install this script on their browser to get rid of these annoying ads while downloading.This saves a lot of time.
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Saturday, 23 March 2013

How to set password to Microsoft Office 2007 ?

Keep your  Microsoft files safe and secure. Set password to Microsoft Office files (.doc ,.ppt, etc) to make  safe and secure.
-First open  any Microsoft office's component such as Word, Powerpoint, Excel etc.   
-Click on Office button  

-Click on Prepare
-Then new window opens . There click  on  'Encrypt document'

 -Enter the desired password in the 'Encrypt document' window. and click Ok.
  -New window appears asking for confirm the password . Then click OK. 
   Password is set on the file. And whenever we open the file it will ask for the password first.   
Add caption


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Monday, 18 March 2013

Hack admin password from guest account

Hack admin password from guest account 

toDAY I GOT SCREWED UP BY COM TEACHER .....INorder to take revenge i changed the admin pass of host computer and finallyy felt gald that ritesh is so great

Ever wanted to hack your college PC with guest account/student or just wanted to hack your friend’s PC to make him gawk when you tell him your success story of hacking? Well,there is a great way of hacking an administrator account from a guest account by which you can reset the administrator password and getting all the privileges an administrator enjoys on windows.. interested? read on…


Press shift key 5 times and the sticky key dialog shows up.This works even at the logon screen. But If we replace the sethc.exe which is responsible for the sticky key dialog,with cmd.exe, and then call sethc.exe by pressing shift key 5 times at logon screen,we will get a command prompt with administrator privileges because no user has logged on. From there we can hack the administrator password,even from a guest account.


Guest account with write access to system32.

Here is how to do that -

* Go to C:/windows/system32
* Copy cmd.exe and paste it on desktop
* Rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe
* Copy the new sethc.exe to system 32,when windows asks for overwriting the file,then click yes.
When asked to overwrite,overwrite the sethc.exe
* Now log ut from your guest account and at the user select window,press shift key 5 times.
* Instead of sticky Key confirmation dialog,command prompt with full administrator privileges will open.
* Now type “ NET USER ADMINISTRATOR aaa” where “aaa” can be any password you like and press enter.
* You will see “ The command completed successfully” and then exit the command prompt and login into administrator with your new password.
* Congrats You have hacked admin from guest account.
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Convert to Icon with ConvertICO

hi this ritesh again have come to washout ur brain with this freky trick

Convert to Icon with ConvertICO

If you have a graphic, or photo, that you want to convert to icon like Windows 7 or Vista style, you can use ConvertICO.
ConvertICO is an online ico converter that can convert your image to .ico or .png format. It supports multiple image formats, sizes, color depths and profiles too.
The beauty of ConvertICO is, it can create a genuine Windows 7 style icon which contains multiple frames and supports the compressed PNG format at the same time.
Using Windows XP? No problem… The converted icon still works on Windows XP.
And one more thing, you also can use ConvertICO to convert multi-resolution icons to images in .png, .gif, or .jpg format at a time, and each frame will be converted to a separate image instantly.
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Create a folder without name in Windows XP

hi this is ritesh. i have found a silly trick ...using which i screwed my teacher ....her is the trick

Create a folder without name in Windows XP

This is not a super high-tech geeky trick but it just a short and simple trick on how you can create a folder without name in Windows XP.
When each time you create a new folder in Windows XP, Microsoft has made “New Folder” as the default name. Even you enter the spacebar so many times to create blank spaces, it still will generate the “New Folder” text like this.
So, how you can create a folder like this?
No, it is not a Photoshop trick. I did not edit the first image. Lol… Here is how.
To do this trick, you need a keyboard with numpad. To rename the folder with blank spaces, just press Alt + 255 and hit Enter. Then you are successfully creating a folder without name in Windows XP.
But, make sure to press the numbers from the numpad and not from the numbers below the F1 – F12 keys. And take note that you only can create one folder without name in a directory.
Why should I use this trick? Nothing! Just for fun or maybe you can use it to amaze your friends. :D
Note: I think this trick also will work in Windows Vista.

if u try out with other number u will get funny stuffs 
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