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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

how to create registration forms

How to Create a Form Using Google Drive

This tutorial will show you how to make a form using Google Drive (formerly Google Docs). Forms can be useful when planning an event, conducting a survey, and more!


  1. Create a Form Using Google Drive Step 1 Version 3.jpg
    Click the Drive button on the top tab. You will be redirected to a log in page.
  2. Create a Form Using Google Drive Step 2 Version 3.jpg

    Log into your Google account. Use your email and password.
    • If you don't have a Google account, learn to create one now!
  3. Create a Form Using Google Drive Step 3 Version 3.jpg

    If your log in was successful, you will be redirected to the Google Drive page. Click the create button, and click the form option.
  4. Create a Form Using Google Drive Step 4 Version 3.jpg

    You will be taken to a new page to start making your form. Enter your form's title. Then, enter a brief description or comment.
  5. Create a Form Using Google Drive Step 5 Version 3.jpg

    Click the Add Item button to add a field. It is on the top located next to the Theme button.
  6. Create a Form Using Google Drive Step 6 Version 3.jpg

    You can now customize the fields to however you need them. You can also make it a required question. When you are finished, click the Done button.
  7. Create a Form Using Google Drive Step 7 Version 3.jpg

    You can continue to add fields, and edit previous fields. When you are done, click Save located at the top right corner.
  8. 8
    You can give other people the link to your form. The link will be located at the bottom of the screen.

    Create a Form Using Google Drive Step 8 Version 3.jpg 
     example link :::::::  link1

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