Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Enter and print details of n employees using structures and dynamic memory allocation

 Enter and print details of n employees using structures and dynamic memory allocation

This program is used to show the most basic use of structures. The structure is made of a character array name[], integer age and float salary. We’ll make an array of the structure for the employees. We’ll also use dynamic memory allocation using malloc. You can also use a linked list to the same which is a better option. Let’s check the code.

typedef struct{ //structure of emp
 char name[30];
 int age;
 float salary;
int main(){
 int n,i;
 emp *employee;
 printf("Enter no of employees: ");
 employee=(emp*)malloc(n*sizeof(emp)); //dynamic memory allocation using malloc()
 printf("\n\nEnter details of employee %d\n",i+1);
 printf("Enter name: ");
 printf("Enter age: ");
 printf("Enter salary: ");
 printf("\nPrinting details of all the employees:\n");
 printf("\n\nDetails of employee %d\n",i+1);
 printf("\nName: %s",employee[i].name);
 printf("\nAge: %d",employee[i].age);
 printf("\nSalary: %.2f",employee[i].salary);
 return 0;

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